coverage error

To weight or to impute for unit nonresponse?

This week, I have been reading the most recent issue of the Journal of Official Statistics , a journal that has been open access since the 1980s. In this issue is a critical review article of weighting procedures authored by Michael Brick with commentaries by Olena Kaminska ( here ), Philipp Kott ( here ), Roderick Little ( here ), Geert Loosveldt ( here ), and a rejoinder ( here ).

studying mode effects

Mode effects - the fact that respondents respond differently to a survey question, solely because of the mode of interviewing - are hard to study. This is because mode-effects interact with nonresponse effects. An Internet survey will atract different respondents than a telephone survey. Because of this, any differences that result from this survey, could be either due to differences in the type of respondents, or because of a mode effect.