
Peter Lugtig

Professor data quality

Utrecht University


Peter Lugtig is professor ‘data quality’ at the department of Methodology and Statistics at Utrecht University. This includes statistical modeling of data quality components, survey methodology, methods of inferences using a mix of designed data and big data, and the use of sensor technology and apps in smartphones for social science research.

Next to his research, he has a passion for teaching and is involved in several Bachelor’s, Master’s and post-graduate courses about statistics and survey methodology. He is a member of the management board of the European Master of Official Statistics , sits on several advisory and management boards of social science projects (see CV ), does consulting for governmental agencies on data collection methods and data quality, and currently serves as the head of the department of Methodology and Statistics.


  • Survey Methodology
  • Statistical Inferences
  • Data quality
  • Smartphones, apps and sensors


  • PhD in Survey Methodology, 2012

    Utrecht University

  • MSc in Political Science, 2006

    University of Amsterdam

Recent Posts

Switching from face-to-face to self-interviewing. The problem of mode effects

One of the major problems in estimating the mode measurement effect in (mixed-mode) surveys is that isolation of the causal effect of …

Vacancy for assistant professor

Are you passionate about data quality? Are you an expert on survey methods, data collection and analysis? We have an opening for …

Vacancy for Phd student

Are you interested in surveys, official statistics, apps, and sensors and do you have the ambition to contribute to scientific progress …

Push-to-web and the role of incentives

With Vera Toepoel , and people at NIDI and the German Institiute for Demographic Research we have in 2018 conducted a large experiment …

new website

Dear all, Nine years ago I started blogging. I have been quiet the last few years when it comes to blogging. Perhaps I will pick this …

Recent Publications

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Dynamic Time Warping-based imputation of long gaps in human mobility trajectories

Individual mobility trajectories are difficult to measure and often incur long periods of missingness. Aggregation of this mobility …

Comparison of ESS rounds 9 and 10: mode differences

One of the major problems in estimating the mode measurement effect in (mixed-mode) surveys is that isolation of the causal effect of …

ESS round 10 mode experiments in Great Britain and Finland. Findings on mode effects

One of the major problems in estimating the mode measurement effect in (mixed-mode) surveys is that isolation of the causal effect of …

The performance of interrupted time series designs with a limited number of time points: Learning losses due to school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic

Interrupted time series (ITS) designs are increasingly used for estimating the effect of shocks in natural experiments. Currently, ITS …

Monitoring Attitudes Over Time - Real Change or the Result of Repeated Interviewing?

Researchers often use panel data to study change and stability of social patterns. However, repeated interviewing can affect …


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