Assessing and relaxing assumptions in quasi-simplex models

Total survey error for longitudinal surveys

Dropouts in longitudinal surveys

Different types of nonresponse threaten the validity of longitudinal studies: first,initial nonresponse during the recruitment in the baseline survey and second, successivedropout at each time point. Dropout in longitudinal surveys has three separate …

Nonresponse and attrition in a probability based Internet Panel for the general population

Since the mid 2000s, several research organizations have set up large probability‐based online panel surveys. In these panels, individuals or households are followed over time to study change. When the respondents also represent the general …

In Dutch: Luiaards en trouwe deelnemers. Classificatie van respondenten in een panelstudie

Uitval is een van de grootste problemen in panelonderzoek. Eerdere studies naar paneluitval kijken meestal naar respondenten die op enig moment nog actief en inactief zijn, en bestuderen de ver-schillen tussen deze respondenten om te bepalen hoe erg …

Assembling an access panel: a study of initial nonresponse and self-selection bias

Internet-based household panels are becoming increasingly popular as an instrument to obtain wide-ranging knowledge about the general population. Since the Internet penetration in the general population is large (83% in the Netherlands) and still …